IAQ Complaints: The Usual Suspects

Most Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) complaints are due to odors, gases, molds, and viruses in the air. Although particulate filters will remove some larger airborne particles, these contaminants will remain airborne unless actively removed. Ideally, any IAQ solution should not interfere with existing air handling equipment, add additional static pressure (thus, increasing energy consumption) or add to the maintenance of the overall HVAC system.

123 works with both Plan & Spec representatives as well as provide product through a network of distributors located throughout the United States. We have exclusive products (provided through the Plan & Spec reps) as well as non-exclusive products that are available through both networks. Our Ionization and HOCL technologies are also available through both networks.



Western USA:
Kensen Lee +1 (702)-596-2403

Eastern USA:
Andy Weiller +1 (404)-990-1011


720 Northgate Parkway, Wheeling, IL 60090, United States
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